Shaking Hands With Lyme

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Messages and Lessons from Lyme DIsease


Some of what I write is an echo of something I may have said before.

Although I’ve been diagnosed with chronic lyme of long standing, I’m new to  lyme consciousness as I never knew I had it  until October 2013, and I never read much  of anything about it. 

My view is that no complete healing can happen without deep changes in our lives. When I was diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago, I experienced a deep fear and despair . As I mentioned before, I was pregnant with my 2nd child at the time.

This Lyme situation hit me broadside just when I was feeling I was getting a handle on my wellness. The Hashimoto’s Disease was responding to treatment, & I had addressed the weight gain it had brought with a sensible gradual 25 lb. weight loss in 5 months. I was feeling stronger and a lot cuter too !

After the initial incredible chills fever headache, huge red rash etc., and after finishing the 10 weeks of doxycycline I was prescribed ,  I realized that my body would not do well with more antibiotics. It was devastating the terrain of my body. I’d had a lot of sore throats and strep throat as a kid and had already had more than my share of antibiotics throughout my childhood. I knew next to nothing about lyme, but had a new friend with chronic lyme whose situation alerted me to the seriousness of the situation. After posting on FB about being ticked off by a tick bite, I was contacted by several people who urged me to not to stop at the 2 weeks of antibiotics which the GP had prescribed and that’s why I did get 8 weeks more from my Naturopath.  Less than a week after I stopped the antibiotics I realized I was far from “cured” .  
I don’t believe one does become ‘cured’ from Lyme Disease anyway . We adapt to living well with it and  in some kind of harmony with the Spirochete community within us.

Since the scary and severe stomach and heart disturbances I had last week I’ve been exploring what my Inner Physician, Higher Self, or Wise Woman Within has to say about what the message of these Physical upheavals was.
I recently read that placing your hand flat on your heart can ground you and immediately put you in better touch with your body. Try it. It’s true. When we don’t listen to inner whispers and promptings the body talks to us - sometimes in quite a dramatic and imperative way.

I’ve always dialogued with various aspects of myself & with my body in a sort of Gestalt way. This time the message was loud and clear. The shock awe and dazzle approach which I had initially adopted with the doxycycline and then with the arsenal of amino acids, vitamins , herbs and  enzymes etc. is no  longer appropriate for the stage of recovery I am now at. In my meditations my body asked me to switch to a gentler approach for a time, and to use live wild allies from my own surroundings in conjunction with a few specific preparations. It was time to stop popping pills - even if they were just  herbs vitamins and minerals

It’s Spring in Vermont where I live, and all my favourite wild medicinals and edibles are up : the dandelions, coltsfoot, periwinkle, ground ivy, boneset,  horsetail, burdock…  Later will come the elderflowers and elderberry and yarrow and more ! I’ve been eating lots of dandelion greens and have some nice big roots to take. Several years ago I was given a lovely valerian plant by a friend who was an herbalist. With it unfortunately for my garden, came some Bishop’s Weed. I looked in all my herbals (and I have lots) and all I could find was a short paragraph in an old English herbal. It said B’s . Weed “  heightens a woman’s ardour. ..”
After my meditations where I was directed to shift into seeing,  “ being with“ and   using all that was around me,  since Bishop's Wed was presenting itself to me in a very aggressive way . After years of watching it kill the valerian it came with, rose bushes, delphinium, irises, lovage I had come to have a sort of respect for it as a survivor. My husband had a personal battle with it and tried many things to eradicate it - some of which I was incensed over. The lovage thrived on his attacks. Recently I've come to recognize the similarities between Bishop's Weed and the spirochetes.

I really do have a  grudging respect for and fascination with these spirochetes which are as aggressive tenacious and adaptive as the Bishop's Weed. I can't help but wonder if I can't address them mentally emotionally and spiritually as I did the cancer.

I wanted to add that should anyone actually be reading this besides myself, that the activated charcoal which I mentioned as being good at helping with herxing should not be used often or close to when you take supplements as it may gather and escort them out of your system along with the bad. Also I've graduated to ground chai and flax with just a bit of psyllium for the gut paralysis. Between that and the alfalfa and liquid chlorophyll I'm taking the digestive system is holding it's own now. I think that spyllium can also absorb vital nutrients which is why I use flax & chia now with minimal psyllium. Flax and Chis ARE vital nutrients !

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