Shaking Hands With Lyme

Friday, February 15, 2013

Taking The Reins Over on Your Path to Healing From Lyme

As I said, I have no medical credentials. While I've researched intensively to understand what lyme disease is,  and  and I think I've come to somewhat of an understanding about it,  I don't want to get into a deeply detailed explanatory description of what Lyme is. That's available from many scientific web sites.
Try this site :
I like this one too  :
 Now why did the second one not come up blue so you can just click on it ?

After my initial 10 week antibiotic, still not knowing much about lyme except for a fast tutorial I gave myself on the internet - while feeling vague and brain fogged... I was scheduled to meet with my Naturapath Samantha Eagle again. Having given it lots of thought and having consulted with that deeper part of me which while it also employs thought for it's musings, relies more on intuition, the interconnectedness with All That IS, and a desire to be naturally healthy as holistic multi-faceted being employing natural means to achieve this. I had decided that more prolonged antibiotic courses were not for me. I was concerned that the terrain of my physical self would be destroyed by the assault of a variety of antibiotics addressing a variety of lyme co-infections. Destroying the good with the bad, the sometimes life saving impact of antibiotics can have as devastation effect on the entire human system which is an ecologically superior balanced self healing, self generating and rejuvenating design unparalleled in it's capacity for returning to homeostasis when properly encouraged supported and stimulated.

I was nervous before my doctor's appointment that I would have to argue about this with my Naturapath. I should have known she would honour & support  my decision not to continue on antibiotics.

She told me she would like me to go on the Cowden Protocol. I am one of those people who need to know everything about anything that goes into my body. Since my late teens I've had a fascination for any books on the human body, even buying medical books when wquite young and poring over them. I also was intrigued by the many aspects of Natural Healing: Herbal, homeopathic, nutritional, emotional, mental, spiritual, orthomolecular... (supplemental) .  From my late teens to today, (I'm 62) I find myself drawn to books articles web sites devoted to a natural healthy whole way of life.

I told Samantha (my naturapath, that I would need to research and consult with my husband on the Cowden Protocol possibility. It's a 6 month program @ 300 $ a month.

I did my research and found many anectodal reviews by lyme patients stating they'd done well on it (many) but some needed to re-do it after the 6 months. One thousand eight hundred dollars x 2 ? That would bring us to $3,600.00 if I needed to do it again. Then I researched the doctor, the protocol products, the research. The studies were done in vitro (test tube). Since lyme and the organisms the tick releases into our bodies are so  adaptive and can mutate to avoid detection as they burrow and lodge into diverse areas of our bodies, how can a one size fits all protocol work for everyone ? Every article I read talks about how differently it manifests in each individual d4epending on medical history, existing conditions and predispositions, mental, emotional, and spiritual dispositions, familial and social support... As with any health challenge the components for returning to wellness are diverse varied and INDIVIDUAL
I also was put off by the company which makes the Cowden Protocol, nutramedix. I saw that they tweaked the natural make-up of Devil's Claw, removed some alkalanoids and surprise surprise, patented the resulting product. The reason Devil's Claw is used by alternative care practitioners and their patients is because of the observation of indigenous people's succesful application of it in inflammatory conditions. Do you think these natives brought the herb into their labs and improved the natural chemical composition of Devil's Claw before using it ?
Do you think they then made it into capsules ?

Over thirty years ago I was very clearly told. You have cancer. You should abort "the fetus" you've been carrying for 4.5 moths and allow me to give you a radical hysterectomy, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. I very clearly said goodby and went on to design and follow my own natural program of recovery. I was told my baby wouldn't have a mother for long.

To encapsulate - if you haven't read previous postings or the about me section, I used natural means to recover, the fetus is 30 years old and has a 28 year old brother. I still have all my "female innards" and have never had a relapse.

During that time I felt vulnerable fearful and terrified (for my baby).  After watching Under Our Skin (a well known film about lyme), , and reading many case histories, medical reports and papers, articles and news reports  on Lyme I felt the same.
Somehow I knew I would get my power back by taking the reins over on the path back to health.

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