Shaking Hands With Lyme

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr Valerie Hunt Scientist and Mystic

Dr. Valerie Hunt, Emeritus Professor in the UCLA Department of Physiological Sciences, with a Doctorate in Science Education from Columbia University is among a small small handful of pioneers in the visionary research and application of the understanding of the human bioenergy field and it‘s effect on our bodies and health. It was the well documented work of Valerie Hunt,which I read in the articles offered by Nikken ( a Japanese medicinal magnet company) of Hunt's work with NASA, which first introduced me to the concept of Vibrational healing.

Dr. Hunt’s work and research and her own personal development has brought her to view healing as an interaction between energy fields, and she stresses that a transaction must be agreed upon on a deep level between: the Life-fields of the disease, that of the person with the disease, that of the therapist or healer, that of the therapy or modality being applied and the combined field of therapist and therapy . Dr. Hunt calls what her predecessors called the Life- field the Mind-field. This I see in concept, as a combination of Burr’s Thought field and Life field.

As I interpret Dr. Hunt's work, our bioenergy (Life field) is a reflection of how we have come to interpret our life experiences. Our emotions according to Hunt modulate or organize the patterns of our bio-energetic field (L-field) into what she describes as either coherent or anti-coherent patterns. When we think of coherence we envision patterns of wholeness and balanced well being. Measured by Dr. Hunt’s Bioenergy Fields Monitor, the patterns of a person in good mental emotional & physical health are described as smooth shallow gentle waves distributed in a measured even pattern . Anti-coherence after disease has developed enough to present symptoms, and even before that, exhibits on the graph of the monitor in two ways: as a deficiency or as a hyperactive patterns, appearing on the graph as thick jagged irregular waves concentrated in the high or low frequency bands. The Bioenergy Field Monitor is designed on the theory that bioenergy fields oscillate at markedly higher frequencies than those EKG or EEG machines are designed to detect and measure. According to Dr. Hunt her research has proved that the bioelectrical energy radiating from the atoms of bodies of living beings are given off at frequencies 1,000 faster than those of any other electrical bodily activities for instance heart or brain waves. .

There are a variety of ways in which the energy field or Life field can be brought back into harmony according to Dr. Hunt, including light, sound and low frequencies of electromagnetic energy. Above and beyond this however, the bienergetic field of the body can be changed through focused intent and conscious creation and through the directing of bioscalar energy. This brings us back to “the word”. Human imagination is usually directed by inner talk. It’s through our inner dialogue that imagination takes flight. And, as I continue to research Hunt’s work, her theory of the manipulation of bioscalar energies appears to fall under the auspices of guided imagery.

Some of this this may sound like theories based on “soft” science or non-authoritative opinions to those who are unfamiliar with the research behind the theories. It may be wise to remember how far fetched our most basic daily living experiences in modern civilization today may appear to the indigenous people of a rain forest, or to any untouched primal civilization which still exists in remote parts of the world.

When people question my ideas and theories on what they call the "supernatural, I often introduce a dialogue on emotions. Love, is as real as the air we breathe, yet it can’t be observed, measured or weighed as a distinct material object. Fear, antipathy or hate also can’t be measured observed or weighed, yet we all know these emotions intimately and know them to be real insofar as our life experiences have taught us.

In my interpretation of my independent studies of Bioenergetics, Dr. Hunt, appears to view the energies which can interact with the biofields of living bodies to alleviate symptoms as relevant. But I find it fascinating, as well as heartening that someone from such a deeply scientific background has come to the realization and acknowledgement of the more elusive energies inherent in the order of deeper Biological truths, the energies of thought and more particularly focused attention and thought coupled with emotion.

Dr Hunt in many later works has synthesized the results of her research and explorations and as I interpret her words, has arrived at the understanding of a fact I (as a hypnotist ) have long suspected ; that and our will, intention and active participation plays a much larger part in the healing of our minds , emotions, bodies, and even in the much disputed arena of the soul, than any traditional treatment, or medication which customarily treats only symptoms.

In my next blog I'll explore the incredible world of bioscalar energy.

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