The impact of Word Thought and Intent on All Sentient Beings and Life Forms
Part I
I never felt a desire to read the book or see the movie, The Secret . What I saw in the trailers and reviews revealed a sensationalized pumped up “revelation” of ideas and concepts which most people interested in self development already knew. The new ideas "revealed" in the book and movie are not new and they've never been a “secret”. I’d like to share some of the history of the research conducted by visionary scientists from the 1800’s to the present day which has been well published and has always been available to anyone who had an interest in reviewing it. It was public knowledge then as it is now and I suppose it could be viewed as the foundation of the concepts which the "secret"
As early as 1848 it was suggested by Dr. Gustav Theodor Fechner that one could promote healthy growth in plants by showering them with loving attention, thoughts and talk.
In 1927, a brilliant scientist; one of the most respected biologists of the early twentieth century, polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist, archaeologist and later in life a writer of science fiction, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, a Knight Commander of the Indian Empire conducted a series of experiments on the effect of focused thought and intent on plants. The biologically recordable reactions that thoughts and intents brought about in the test groups of plants involved were astounding. Sir Bose's research was based on the reactions recorded through the use of an electro dermal device. Double ‘blind’ studies were conducted dividing groups of plants and seedlings into two groups and subjecting them to totally opposite thoughts and intents. One half of a group of identical plants of the same size age & species was put into interaction with a person who directed loving thoughts, emotions and words to them. The keeper of the other half of the plants was requested to direct hateful threatening thoughts and words to his group of plants. Without exception the plants responded by flourishing under the auspices of the kind intentions and thoughts; and becoming stunted and frail from the assault of the ill intentioned thoughts of the other half of the control group.
The research of Cleve Backster, an American scientist who began his career as an interrogation specialist with the CIA, took an interesting turn in the early 1920's when he also began exploring the reaction of plants to thoughts, emotions and intent . The staid scientific community met his findings, which were in alignment with those of Bose, with skepticism. This is no surprise, as science tends to resist new concepts which conflict with the paradigms or concepts they’ve arrived at so far. This has been dubbed by one writer as ideological immunity. The story of the search for a cure for malaria is replete with documentation of the resistance of the scientific community to new thought. At any rate Backster didn’t let the close mindedness of his fellow scientist deter him in his exciting new explorations. Three of his articles chronicling his experiments and conclusions were published in: National Wildlife, Main Currents in Modern Thought and the International Journal of Parapsychology. Backster’s findings were that plants , being under the auspices of the general L-field of living community, responded visibly to any threat or perceived threat to themselves or to any other living entity, such as shrimp being boiled alive in the same or in a nearby room, fingers being cut. His conclusion was that plants do have emotions and consciousness, and that these emotions are linked to those of other living beings.
In the 60’s Reverend Franklin Loehr conducted a series of very detailed scientific controlled experiments with a Dr. Rhine of Duke University exploring the effects of thought prayer and intent on the aforementioned sensitivity of plants. Hundreds of thousands of seedlings were involved in these experiments. Divided in three, one group was prayed over in a positive way, one experienced negative thought and intent, and the third was ignored. The results were in accord with those of Bose and Backster; plants were sentient beings and were very responsive to benign thought and intent.
Throughout the time Bose was conducting his research , Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, a biologist and E.K. Hunt Professor Emeritus at Yale University School of Medicine as well as editor of The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, was engaged in explorations and research in the same vein as those of of Bose Backster and Reverend Loehr. Dr. Burr was a member of the faculty at Yale for over forty three years and published no fewer that 93 scientific research papers either alone or in collaboration with others between the years of1916 and 1950.
Throughout his life Burr was exploring the fundamental issues of growth, maintenance and healing of the body. In his view these basic processes did not fall under the traditional mechanistic premises of his tim, which were that the influence of DNA, chromosomes, and genetics were responsible for all functions & dysfunctions of the body. While these influences did indeed play a very real and determining role in the structuring of the body, Burr thought they did not, and could not account for the mystery of the myriad of incredible and complex processes carried out within the body such as the synthesizing of a minimum of 5,000 chemical compounds. In the living material of the body, for example the short lived cells, must be replaced constantly. All the protein of the body needs replacement as well, every six months. The whole body Burr noted is constantly undergoing a multitude of repairing healing and maintaining operations which must be under some organizational control.
Around 1930 Dr. Burr began to conduct a research project based on his view that a directing force must be involved in these complex processes. Being a scientist , he did not embrace the idea that this force had a spiritual or ”soulful” basis. He set out to explore the possibility that the already proven existence of the electrical processes present in every part of the human body may operate under the influence of a larger electromagnetic field . The interaction between this force and the biological entities under it’s influence was likened by Burr in his book Blueprint For Immortality to the magnetic field of a magnet organizing iron filings in conformation to it’s magnetic force. This is how Burr envisioned that a larger electromagnetic field may organize different components of the body, and the body as a unified whole. He theorized that, as molecules and cells are being torn apart and rebuilt with fresh material from the food we eat… thanks to the controlling L-fields, the new molecules and cells are rebuilt as before and arrange themselves in the same pattern as the old ones.
Professor F.S.C. Northrup, who was also a professor at Yale University and a colleague of Burr's, worked with Burr on the exploration of an electrodynamic theory of life and co-authored with him a paper titled "The Electrodynamic Theory of Life ". Working with dozens of specialists in the fields of biology, medicine, physics, electronics, and agriculture Burr and Northrup and his fellow researchers discovered and tracked electyrodynamic fields in all living things from tiny seeds to animals and humans. Each individual life field operated under the influence of a larger bioenergetic unifying field.
Part II
The bioelectric fields Burr and Northrup investigated were not similar to the electrical currents within the human body measured by cardiographs and electroencephalographs (EEGs). They in fact could not be measured by these instruments. It took three years of research and experimentation for Burr to create an instrument sophisticated enough to measure them. Burr found that the bio- fields or L fields as he called them had direct current as opposed to the various inner currents of the body such as those in the heart and brain which have alternating currents. The biofields L-fields ( for life-fields) indicate only voltage potential which needed Burr to invent the vacuum tube voltmeter before it could be detected. A regular voltmeter needs a lot of current to move the needle and it would literally drain L-field potential and impede any reading or make it impossible. In his book The Fields of Life Burr stresses that “these electrical properties (of all living things ) … are voltage gradients, not current movements, not changes in resistance to the passage of current”.
In order to illustrate his theory Burr conducted an experiment exploring the L-field of frog’s eggs. His intent was to prove that as simple and small a life form as a group of frog’s eggs could have an L-field which controlled the growth and development of the eggs. Their experiments entailed marking the axis of the largest voltage gradients in the L-field (detected by the vacuum tube ) of the frog's eggs with spots of Nile blue sulphate and observing as the eggs developed any uniform growth patterns which could indicate the influence of the L-field on the egg’s development. As the eggs developed Burr and his associates found that the nervous system of the frogs consistently grew along the axis of the largest voltage gradient. This strongly indicated that the L-field or life field is the matrix which maintains growth and development in living beings, just as Burr had postulated.
Dr. Burr felt that this frog egg experiment, and a subsequent one on Salamander eggs was important because it showed that the L-field was indeed an ” organizing and controlling force in the growth of the living form” but beyond that it also anticipated physical conditions.
Research which supported these findings were conducted by a Dr. Louis Langman (of Bellvue Hospital ) and his assistant, along with Dr. Burr, involving about a thousand female patients. They examined each patient and using Dr. Burr’s instrument measured the voltage gradient in the women’s cervix and the ventral abdominal wall. In 102 cases an abnormal voltage gradient indicated the existence of malignancy which was later confirmed through exploratory surgeries which discovered malignancy in 95 out of the 102 women. This to me, indicates that the L-field of these women was in possession of information about these dysfunctions in the women’s bodies before any symptoms or discomforts were felt or observed . Ongoing research followed which observed changes (erratic voltage patterns) in the brain wave patterns of patients who later exhibited psychiatric conditions, showing them to be mentally unstable before they presented any abnormal behaviours.
The L-field of seeds trees and bodies of water have also been studied and shown to indicate potential for growth and health and possible conditions indicating future disease. Dr. Burr followed the bio-field (L-field) of two trees of different species, a maple and an elm, and observed them for thirty years. The data collected from the machines recording voltage gradients from these trees was surprising. The magnetic fields of both trees reacted to the shifting of day into night, and vice versa. They also changed with the passing of the seasons and the phases of the moon and reacted to sun spots. This and other similar research appeared to validate the relationship and interconnection between all bio-fields and cosmic fields. Or, as some call it - All That Is.
In his book Blueprint For Immortality Dr. Burr stated that: “The Universe in which we find ourselves and from which we cannot be separated from is a place of Law and Order. It is not an accident, nor chaos. It is organized and maintained by an Electro-dynamic field capable of determining the position and movement of all charged particles . For nearly a half a century, the logical consequences of this theory have been subjected to rigorously controlled conditions and met with no contradictions.”