Shaking Hands With Lyme

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gematria, Theomatics, Isopsephis, Numerology and Sacred Geometry

The Word Part II

How powerful words can be has been illustrated in my life in so many ways. One of the most powerful positive ways I’ve seen words impact people is through by my work in hypnosis. For the more than two decades I have used nothing but words in my practice. When I was first trained in hypnosis, in 1990, there was a “hypno-disc available which was a hoaky looking spiral attached to a hand held battery operated contraption which the practitioner was supposed to turn on, so the spiral would spin, and then hold in front of the client in order to facilitate hypnotic induction. Yes, in my enthusiasm for my new profession & wanting to have all the latest connected to it, I have to confess I bought one.

When it came time to try the hypno-disc out on a client I demurred. It felt like an unnecessary and embarrassing prop. The training & practice I’d had during my hypnosis training made me realize that imaginative words delivered with confidence, and a loving intention for improvement in any area of self development for my clients were all I needed. The tone & timbre of my voice which is naturally hypnotic didn’t hurt either.
The areas of psycho spiritual changes in people’s life which these words brought about floored me. Words are powerful indeed.

For instance, a client who had suffered childhood abuse and I traveled back in time in our own version of soul retrieval to rescue hi/r, and her multiple personalities countless times until s/he felt fully rescued and re-integrated. I modify the word her and him or she and he with a / symbol in my writing to blur gender identification and to protect the identity of my clients. Over time this client became a therapist. Another client was suddenly rushed to the emergency room of a nearby hospital with inexplicable symptoms which turned out to be a frightening disease called scleraderma. How frightening to go from relatively good health to a health crisis and alarming diagnosis in one day. Our work together helped this client through the fear and stress (which can always worsen and accelerate any adverse condition). S/he has said I saved her life, but I didn’t. S/he did. By looking around for a solution and contacting me instead of being stalled and stuck in the problem, s/he seeded the ground for hi/r own survival. By becoming my partner and co-designing a mental/emotional/ and spiritual template for healing and meeting this challenge with poise and grace, and trusting in the process which s/he kept up with in between appointments s/he survived this crisis and is doing very well today.

Words have been recognized as more than letters strung into a sound representing or identifying a meaning which is being conveyed, either in writing or speech. In the system of Gematria a numerical value is assigned to letters words or phrases. In ancient times, before the 8th or 9th century, when numbers were adopted from the Arabaic numerals, letters were used to represent numbers. Theomatics and Isopsephia are two other practices in the arena of semantics (the study of language) which employ the assignment of numerical value to letters words and phrases. This assignment of numerical value to spoken & written words may be a predecessor of numerology, a system which assumes that life and our Universe are by nature designed to operate within a system which is orderly and through which the numerical relationship of everything is explored.

Numerology assigns spiritual mystical and divinational archetypal symbolism to the numbers in the name of an individual for instance and arrives at a final number which can be an aid in exploration and understanding of the individual and his life.
All these numerical exercises and practices ; theomatics, isopleths gematria, and numerology descended from and are intertwined with the original use of letters as numbers, and the importance that letters and words, written, spoken and even thought of have in our understanding of ourselves and our world. It’s my feeling that words in a numerical context are also linked to Sacred Geometry which attempts to explain the order of the Universe through sacred equations and measurements which ultimately validate the premise of the new physics which is that there is a Universal unity which can’t be denied, and nothing in this Universe can be viewed or experienced as separate from All That Is.